Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a very simple and quick procedure to be done at the dental office . It causes no harm or damage to the tooth structure . We provide teeth whitening using Philips latest technology Zoom 4; a gel is applied to the teeth surface and activated with Zoom 4 device and in a matter of minutes, you will be dazzled with your new bright smile.

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It’s all about the great little details  … Perfect your smile with your customized- handcrafted veneers . Veneers are a very thin ceramic layer that we use to  correct teeth gaps and any deformation in the shape or color of your teeth . The gentle dentist uses Emax to mimic the fine details of natural teeth. Consult with us and get your smile designed…

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Dental implants are the best solution to replace your missing / badly broken teeth . Consult with our experts to get the best treatment option

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A little less gums, a little more teeth … Gummy smile correction is a simple procedure that we use to correct gums / smile proportion. In just one dental visit, you will get a life changing procedure that will correct your smile for good!

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The gentle dentist has expertise in the field of esthetic dentistry. We use the most recent technology to replace old restorations, fill teeth cavities, close gaps between the teeth , and restore all sorts of teeth deformations.

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No matter how old you are, if you need braces, you must get them! People having improper teeth alignment are more prone to suffer from teeth decays and gum disease. The gentle dentist provides all kinds of braces that will suit your lifestyle, consult with our specialists to get the best for you.

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Protect your weakened / fractured teeth with high strengthened crowns using zirconia or Emax. Also restore your missing teeth using permanent fixed zirconia bridges.

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Root canal treatment is not a terror anymore! In the gentle dentist we use the latest technology under the supervision of experienced specialists, to deliver a quick pain free root canal treatment.

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It’s time for your kids to earn the best dental care with our friendly experienced specialists. The first dental appointment for your children should be, by the appearance of their first tooth, or, by their first birthday. The gentle dentist for kids provides all dental services for kids, including GA.

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Scaling is a simple, yet , mandatory dental procedure; it keeps your gums and teeth healthy. It should be done routinely every 6 months .

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Dental Veneers

It’s all about the great little details  … Perfect your smile with your customized- handcrafted veneers . Veneers are a very thin ceramic layer that we use to  correct teeth gaps and any deformation in the shape or color of your teeth . The gentle dentist uses Emax to mimic the fine details of natural teeth. Consult with us and get your smile designed…

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Dental Implants​

Dental implants are the best solution to replace your missing / badly broken teeth . Consult with our experts to get the best treatment option

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Gummy Smile​

A little less gums, a little more teeth … Gummy smile correction is a simple procedure that we use to correct gums / smile proportion. In just one dental visit, you will get a life changing procedure that will correct your smile for good!


The gentle dentist has expertise in the field of esthetic dentistry. We use the most recent technology to replace old restorations, fill teeth cavities, close gaps between the teeth , and restore all sorts of teeth deformations.

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Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is not a terror anymore! In the gentle dentist we use the latest technology under the supervision of experienced specialists, to deliver a quick pain free root canal treatment. 

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