Secrets of a Healthy Mouth: Daily Habits That Protect Your Teeth from Cavities

Tooth decay

Secrets of a Healthy Mouth: Daily Habits That Protect Your Teeth

Dental hygiene after each meal

Diet, the essential ally for maintaining dental health

Drinking water helps oral health

Alcohol and tobacco are a very harmful combination for teeth and mouth

Maintaining the natural color of teeth

Get Rid of Bad Breath

Teeth are neither scissors nor can openers

If you play contact sports, protect your teeth


Tooth decay

Every human being is born with teeth between the ages of 6 and 12 months, but caring for these teeth and keeping them healthy and free from decay varies from one person to another, and this depends on maintaining daily habits that protect the teeth from decay and diseases

Cavities arise as a result of the accumulation of food residues on the teeth and the formation of a sticky layer called plaque, which is rich in bacteria that produce acids that dissolve the tooth enamel and the tissues underneath it to create cracks and holes that may reach the tooth pulp.

Preventing tooth decay is a topic often associated with childhood, but it is no less important for adults. As we age, our teeth and gums can become more susceptible to decay due to various factors such as tooth erosion and decreased saliva production.

Secrets of a Healthy Mouth: Daily Habits That Protect Your Teeth

Dental hygiene after each meal

Maintaining dental hygiene is the first step to achieving good oral health and avoiding the accumulation of plaque and tartar on the teeth. To do this, it is advisable to brush your teeth after each meal and to do so using the appropriate tools and techniques. It is also important to take care of the hygiene of the tongue and cheeks, where many bacteria also accumulate. Likewise, it is advisable to use dental floss at least once a day to remove the residues between the teeth. In cases of patients suffering from gingivitis, interdental cleaning is also recommended.

Diet, the essential ally for maintaining dental health

Our diet and oral health are closely linked. In this sense, it is advisable to prefer the consumption of fruits and vegetables and to reduce sugary products and other caries-causing foods as much as possible. Excessive consumption of soft drinks and sugary drinks can cause erosion of tooth enamel and the spread of tooth decay. Some products such as tea or coffee are not harmful to the teeth, but they can cause tooth discoloration.

Drinking water helps oral health

Saliva is a natural ally against oral problems. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid anything that can cause dry mouth, and drinking water promotes the flow of saliva, with the consequent benefits for oral health.

Alcohol and tobacco are a very harmful combination for teeth and mouth

For various reasons, alcohol and tobacco can be very harmful to oral health (and the rest of the body). First of all, they all cause dry mouth. Spirits can damage tooth enamel due to their acidity, and this is made worse if they are mixed with soft drinks. Its use is closely linked to higher rates of tongue and throat cancer, tobacco, in addition to staining teeth and harming health in general, generates bad breath, reduces tissue oxygenation and irritates them, in addition to promoting the development of gum disease and oral cancer.

Maintaining the natural color of teeth

It should be borne in mind that even if you have excellent dental health, do not smoke and are very careful about your diet, the dentin of your teeth is likely to turn dark or yellow over time. To try to maintain the natural color of your teeth, you can sometimes use whitening toothpastes to help eliminate surface stains and undergo professional teeth whitening at your dental center.

Get Rid of Bad Breath

Bad breath is another widespread oral problem, especially in adulthood and with age. Although it can be a symptom of some systemic diseases, in most cases its origin is related to the mouth. To combat it, it is essential to maintain oral hygiene, including cleaning the tongue and cheeks. In addition to avoiding tobacco and alcohol, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of products such as garlic or onions, which are closely linked to bad breath. Likewise, drinking water can help eliminate bad breath

Teeth are neither scissors nor can openers

Another common and undesirable habit is using your teeth to cut something or open containers. These types of practices can cause cracks and/or fractures in the teeth, so we strongly advise against doing them.

If you play contact sports, protect your teeth

Chips and fractures in teeth are the order of the day when playing contact sports. So, if you practice boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts, taekwondo, karate or any other activity of this type, we recommend using mouth guards. They are designed to fit the patient’s mouth and protect the teeth from impact. If you still decide not to protect yourself and lose a piece, keep in mind that it can


It is important to understand that preventing tooth decay in adults is not just about brushing our teeth regularly, but also about adopting healthy habits in our daily routine. Eating a balanced diet and limiting the consumption of sugary foods are essential measures for taking care of oral health.

In addition, maintaining good oral hygiene is of utmost importance. This includes brushing at least twice a day with toothpaste, flossing daily, and using mouthwash to remove harmful bacteria.

We should not forget to visit our dentist regularly as well. Regular checkups can detect any problems or early signs of decay before they become a bigger problem. Our dentist will be able to perform professional cleanings to remove the accumulated bacterial plaque and assess the overall health of our teeth.



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