Teeth Whitening is your way to a more Beautiful Smile

The pictures and scenes that we see daily on social media that show people with bright, beautiful white smiles have whetted the appetite of dental clinic clients to have a lovely, bright white smile that mimics what international movie stars have, and that is why some may call it the Hollywood smile. Fortunately, teeth whitening techniques have become available to help patients get the most beautiful smile quickly and with high safety rates. It has become possible for every person to enjoy an attractive and distinctive smile

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a treatment that aims to lighten tooth color and eliminate stains and discoloration. It is the most popular treatment among cosmetic dental treatments.

Bleach is most effective on external or surface stains. To keep the color of teeth brighter and brighter

Some harmful habits can cause whitening results to fade. Such as smoking, as well as eating colorful foods and drinks such as tea and coffee.

If you avoid these harmful habits and follow professionally recommended care tips, you may not need another whitening treatment for the next 6 to 12 months.

Necessary procedures before teeth whitening

To perform a teeth whitening treatment, it is first necessary for the specialist to conduct a medical examination. It’s important to make sure your gums are healthy, as well as monitor any existing disease, such as cavities or defective restorations.

You must ensure that you do not have undiagnosed caries. In addition, it should be taken into account that teeth whitening is prohibited for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Types of teeth whitening

  • External whitening, which is of two types
  • In-clinic whitening
  • Whitening at home
  • Internal whitening

External teeth whitening

It is the most common teeth whitening procedure performed on vital teeth (without root canals). This treatment consists of applying bleaching agents to the outside of the tooth.

In-clinic whitening

(LED) technology
This is a type of modern whitening in which a cold light lamp or LED light lamp is used. To do this, tooth whitener in gel form is applied to the patient’s teeth.

The mentioned gel consists of a concentration of 35% – 40% hydrogen peroxide, depending on each brand. The light bulb is then allowed to work on it.

LED teeth whitening so its biggest advantage is that it speeds up the whitening process. This is done in the dental clinic and always under the supervision of a specialist. Therefore, its price is higher than the price of whitening at home.

Zoom4 is the latest device for teeth whitening with LED technology

Laser teeth whitening
Laser teeth whitening is a procedure that uses a light source to activate a whitening gel that penetrates the enamel and breaks the chemical bonds that cause dark tooth color.

It should be noted that the laser can help speed up the process and obtain more uniform results.

Of course, like any treatment, it offers some advantages over other teeth whitening methods such as:

  • A quick way to whiten teeth: Laser teeth whitening can be performed in one session, while teeth whitening at home usually requires several sessions.
  • More effective: This procedure can produce more uniform, long-lasting results than at-home teeth whitening.
  • Safety guaranteed: It is a safe procedure performed under the supervision of a dentist.

Teeth whitening at home

First, measurements of the patient’s mouth are taken to create personalized acrylic splints. These splints have small reservoirs where the patient must put a small amount of tooth whitener before putting it in their mouth.

The time and duration of wearing teeth whitening trays can vary greatly. There are also different concentrations of the whitening product, which determine the minimum and maximum time that the splints can remain in the mouth.

The product applied in this case is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide (this is the same as hydrogen peroxide but with the addition of urea). These different concentrations are prescribed based on the needs of each patient

What is compound bleach?

This treatment is the most effective for teeth whitening. It consists of combining the two previous procedures: the lamp session in the clinic and splints in the patient’s home. The doctor may advise you on this method because of the positive results it provides.

Built-in teeth whitening not only provides a whiter color immediately after treatment but can also maintain results for longer. However, this depends on the patient’s habits and whether he follows the instructions given to him by the doctor.

Internal whitening

It should be borne in mind that internal bleaching is not recommended for patients under the age of 18, pregnant or breastfeeding, allergic to peroxide, hypersensitive teeth, or with tooth root exposure (when the upper part of the tooth root is exposed).

In conclusion, we can now understand why teeth whitening is considered one of the most requested cosmetic dental surgeries, and this is due to the positive results it achieves that benefits everyone who dreams of having a beautiful, bright white smile.

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  1. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/teeth-whitening/
  2. https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/teeth-whitening-and-bleaching
  3. https://www.healthline.com/health/how-does-teeth-whitening-work