The best ways to maintain oral and dental health permanently

Oral and Dental Health

If you have ever had an oral and dental health problem, you will be aware of the extent of pain and discomfort that can lead to the inability to sleep due to severe pain and the inability to eat, in addition to the lack of concentration at work or poor academic achievement. Therefore, the golden rule that prevention is better than cure must be applied by searching for the best ways to maintain oral and dental health permanently

Even people who dream of having a beautiful smile, this does not only require having straight and white teeth. It is also necessary to have healthy gums and teeth, and you may be very surprised if you know that some simple procedures related to oral hygiene and health can spare you many health problems and diseases of the mouth and teeth, what are these methods and procedures?

Dental hygiene and its relationship to general health

Adhering to dental hygiene regularly every day is one of the most important ways to maintain oral and dental health and avoid diseases such as tooth decay and gingivitis, in addition to getting rid of bad breath

It is also important to mention that taking care of oral and dental health will positively reflect on the general health of the body due to the link between infections and diseases that affect the mouth and other diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, strokes, and pneumonia

For this reason, it is necessary to have in our daily routine habits and practices that allow us to have healthy teeth and gums, which contributes to obtaining a beautiful smile, while also helping to enjoy better general health

General tips for maintaining oral and dental health

Some tips and instructions aim to maintain oral and dental health, such as

Brushing the mouth and teeth properly and regularly

Use a brush and toothpaste to brush your teeth for two minutes at least twice daily, 

Regarding the brushing method, the most recommended technique is to place the brush at a 45-degree angle to the gums, make short, gentle, vibrating movements, and then pull the brush down or up, thus removing any residue. In this way, it is possible to remove plaque and tartar that stick to hard-to-reach areas of the mouth.

In addition to brushing your teeth, you also need to clean your tongue, where many bacteria accumulate. You can do this with the same toothbrush you use regularly, or use a tongue scraper

Flossing your teeth daily

Flossing is the best way to remove all the food debris that accumulates between the teeth and along the gum line, which the toothbrush cannot reach, which causes tooth decay and inflammation of the soft tissue

Moderate sugar consumption

Excessive sugar consumption increases the risk of tooth decay and other dental problems because the bacteria that live in our mouths feed on sugars and convert them into acids that cause decay.

Instead of eating sweetened foods and drinks rich in sugars, you should choose a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables rich in fiber

Drink plenty of water

Saliva is an essential element for oral health, as it helps us move food debris inside the mouth and prevents it from settling in our teeth. For saliva to flow healthily and prevent dry mouth, you need to drink enough water.

No smoking

Smoking is a practice that has negative consequences for the health of the entire body, and in the mouth it causes teeth to suffer from several problems such as stains on the teeth in addition to many gum diseases, as well as oral cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid smoking or using any tobacco products.

Healthy nutrition

Eating foods rich in nutrients and fiber, and low in sugar is best for your dental health: fruits such as grapes, apples, berries, and strawberries; as well as carrots, cucumbers, and cauliflower are excellent options.

Yogurt provides calcium that helps strengthen teeth, and cheese is a good source of protein, calcium, and fluoride.

Regular dental check-ups

Visiting the dentist twice a year for regular dental check-ups allows the dentist to detect dental problems early and prevent them from developing into a serious condition.

The dentist can also perform a professional dental cleaning. It removes plaque and tartar build-up, which encourages tooth decay or gum disease.

Using an antiseptic mouthwash

Mouthwashes should be used at least once a day. Rinsing your mouth allows you to remove food particles left in your mouth after brushing and flossing. Fluoride-containing mouthwash strengthens the enamel, and antibacterial agents help eliminate bacteria that cause damage to the mouth.

Dental care according to age


From the moment the first tooth appears, oral hygiene becomes essential. For children whose teeth are small, it is essential to brush twice a day, floss, and attend regular pediatric dental consultations. This way they can take care of their teeth until the permanent teeth appear.


For adults, tips for optimal dental hygiene include brushing twice a day with a toothbrush and the right technique. It is also essential to use dental floss, go to a consultation twice a year to make sure everything is okay, and have a professional dental cleaning. It is worth noting that in adulthood, problems with caries, gum disease, and tooth sensitivity increase.


In old age, dental problems can worsen and cause tooth loss. As people age, they may have problems chewing and swallowing, which can cause malnutrition and weight loss; hence the importance of oral health awareness in the elderly.

Recognizing and managing common dental problems

The inside of the mouth should be examined to ensure that there are no changes in appearance, color, shape, etc. Teeth, gums, tongue, or that there is something out of the ordinary that may catch our attention. So that if we discover something, we can inform the dentist, and get early and effective care.


Our advice for optimal dental health, we should think about the foods we consume and the behaviors in our daily lives that can affect dental health. Eating a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water are essential to strengthening teeth and maintaining oral hygiene. Moreover, avoiding bad habits such as smoking goes beyond taking care of our teeth, but also of our bodies in general. So do not forget to take all the advice into account, and if you have any questions, go to your dentist for an examination and consultation.

See also: What is dental calculus cleaning?

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